Sunday, December 12


I took lots of photos using two models. They are in three different outfits and settings so that I could get a range of photos to represent both Indie and Pop.

I took some photos in close-up as I think that these will work well for my double page photograph.

I mainly used this size camera shot as I think that it works best for the front cover. Also, to use on my contents page or double page spread.

I'm planning to use these last four photos to create a strip of photobooth style photos, representing the fun, happy side of pop.

Thursday, December 9

Photo Research

Before I take my photos I researched some shoots that other pop or indies artist and bands have done. I chose two artists from both genres that had the most votes on my poll to research photos of. However, as Ollie Murs is a new artist, there was not many photos of him and so I chose the next best instead.

POP From the photos of The Saturdays and Pixie Lott, I can see that the look pop artists go for is extremely mainstream. They all have perfect hair and makeup and also wear tight fitting, colourful clothing. Also, the poses they do are done to make them look happy and attractive so that it draws everyone in

Indie From looking at the photos of two Indie bands, Kings of Leon and Paramore, I have found that the poses they do make them look quite moody apart from the photo of Paramore where they are joking around. Also, their styling is dark colours like greys and blacks, but also it is not revealing in the way that pop artists clothes are.

Overall I have found that as I am doing a pop/indie magazine I will have to style my band carefully with them wearing dresses and skirts but not in bright colours so that it represents the cross over of genres. As well as this, I will have to try several different poses, some where they look happy and some where they are more moody. Also, from my photos I have found that as well as having them stand up to pose, having them posing whilst sitting is down is a common in photos.

Plan of double page

Monday, November 22

Price and how often it is Published

The price of my magazine will be £2.50 as I think this is a reasonable price to pay for a music magazine. It will be affordable for my target audience as the age range 16-24 will not have a lot of extra money to spend and therefore wont be able to afford a lot. Also, some may not even be earning money if they are a student or will only be earning very little. I will publish my magazine every fortnight as from my research all three magazines were published at different times, one weekly, one fortnightly and one monthly, so I think it will be best to go with the inbetween one. Again, this will suite my targeted audience because they will be able to afford £2.50 every two weeks.

Sunday, November 21

Target Audience

For my magazine I will target a niche audience so that I can focus on the exact people I want to aim my product for.
Target audiences can be grouped by gender, (either male or female), or by age groups. The ages are grouped like this:

They can also be grouped into A, B, C1, C2, D and E groups, which are the social grades. With A being the highest of classes and E being the lowest.These are called the demographics.
Psychographics can also group target audiences based on interests, opinions and attitude.

The audience my magazine will be aimed at is both male and female. The target age group for my magazine will be 15-24 as this is the ages that most music magazines of this type are aimed for. Also, people of this age are more likely listen to recent music and have an interest in it. I will be aiming it at the E group as this is the group that most 15-24 year olds are in.

Research Analysis

After analysing three different music magazines, I have found the conventions used to create a successful front cover, contents and double page spread.
The Front Cover- The masthead of the magazine should be wrote either on the top left of the magazine or right across the top of the page. If it is for an Indie magazine, the masthead is usually short and maybe an abbreviation. The front cover of my magazine should include a main image which is the main focus of the page. This conventionally should be a medium close-up of the band or singer. The main cover line should link to this image and be wrote in big writing, also if I am doing an in Indie style magazine I have found that the important writing is done in capitals. Other cover lines should be wrote in smaller writing but in the same font as the main cover line, and often surrounds the image. It should also have a date line, issue number and bar code, as well as main colour scheme which will continue on through the magazine. When choosing the colour scheme I should make sure that I choose the colours carefully to put across the message I want to represent in my magazine.
Double Page Spread- A double page spread of a magazine is usually made up a big image of the band/singer, a big head line and then an article about them. The image could either take up the whole of the two pages, with a neutral background so that the article can be wrote on top, or take up the whole of one page and have the article on the other. The headline is usually wrote in big writing and can take up half a page and be in capitals. Also, the headline should link to what the image is showing. It should continue on the colour scheme from the front cover and the main headline colour so that it makes the connection.
The Contents Page- The contents page needs to have a main image that takes up quite a lot of the page, from my research it is usually on the right side of the page. On the other side of the page is where the contents are listed, usually split up into sections and headed with sub-titles. 'Contents' is often written at the top left of the page, above the listed articles. Also the name of the magazine and the date is put here. At the bottom of the page an advertisement, magazine information or review might be places.

From doing my research I have found that there is different conventions used in Indie music magazines to Pop music magazines. Also that there is not many magazines that cover both the Indie and Pop music genres, so my magazine will fill a gap in the market. The main target audience of my magazine will be both genders of the age group 16-24.

Research- Rolling Stone magazine

The Front Cover
L- The front cover is mostly took up by a medium close-up picture of Britney Spears against a grey background. Grey represents style and lightness, which also links to the picture as Britney is wearing a grey top, and is laughing so giving the impression she has no problems and also she is a style icon to some people. The masthead is in italic white writing and is partly covered by the image, which is a convention usually used. The image of Britney is one of her laughing and looking like the typical all-American girl which is a look most pop stars use. The main headline links to the image and is done in yellow and white. Yellow represents happiness which links to the picture of Britney laughing and yellow also represents positiveness which is what she represents because she has managed to overcome her problems. White is often associated with pureness, which is how pop stars are meant to come across because they are role models for young teenagers. There is an issue number and date line at the top right of the page. The main and other cover lines are down the left hand side of the page next to the image on the right. The other cover lines are done in smaller writing and use the same font as the main. 'The hot issue' is wrote in capitals and surrounded by a red box which is a connotation of heat. The main colours used are yellow, grey and white. Yellow represents happiness and positiveness which is what is shown in the image. White is often used to show pureness and peace which is how the pop industry wants their artists to come across. Grey shows respect which shows Britney is a respected artist, but also stylishness again linking to how Britney is seen.
I- The Rolling Stone magazine is published every fortnight and is produced by Wenner Media.
I- The front cover of the magazine gives you the idea that the music it represents is pop music because of the colours used, the music it is representing and the artists it features within the magazine. It also gives you the idea that it is meant to show Britney in a positive way as she is happy and laughing, showing she has managed to overcome all of her problems and bad press that she has had recently. However, she is also showing her belly which makes her attractive to young teenage boys, broadening her target audience and also the magazine target audience.
A- The magazine is aimed at both genders. Young girls will see Britney as a roll model because she is a successful pop star that a lot of teenagers will recognise from their childhood. Also it will appeal to boys as they will find her attractive as she is wearing a crop-top and low jeans giving off the contradicting impression that she can also be sexy as well as pure. The age range it will appeal to will be mainly 16-24, however, as the magazine also writes about politics, it will appeal to older age groups also.
R- Rolling Stone represents pop music in a stereotypical way as Britney is shown as being happy but also attractive which is the image pop stars use. Also, it represents them in a positive way because as they are featuring an image of Britney laughing it shows that she has managed to overcome her problems, giving off a positive image to teenagers that they can overcome their problems. It uses yellow which also represent positiveness and hope which is conveyed through the image. another main colour used in white which represents pureness and peace. These are ideas that the pop industry wants to put across to its target audience. Grey is used to show that the magazine is well respected, as is Britney who is a very successful pop artist. Also it can represent stylishness and modernness which is also shown through the image of Britney.
L- The contents page uses one main image based on the right side of the page, which is a long shot of a black and white image of two musicians dancing. It has a caption in the corner of the image, but also underneath has a main headline and information about what the article is about. The main headline is in big, black writing and is the same font used for all of the article titles. In the top left corner it has the initials of Rolling Stone and underneath that a sell line which is 'all the news that fits'. Underneath this is another image, which is a close-up, colour image of Beyonce in concert, with a caption. There is another main headline that is linked to the image with some information about that article. The contents are listed down the left side in black. At the bottom right is some information of the magazine. The main colours used are purple, black and white, which are probably the colours used within this issue. Purple is used as it is the colour which is associated with royalty. This relates to the artists shown as Beyonce is well known and liked as if she was royalty. It also may be relating to the magazine by meaning that the magazine is respected and popular, also like royalty. To show that the magazine is powerful and a classic, black is used which is a colour that represents these things. White might of been used as to mean life, which is what the magazine is about, giving news about what is going on in the world.
I- The institution of the magazine is Wenner Media the same as the front cover.
I- The contents page is important to a magazine as it is the first page seen after the front cover, and so it needs to be set out well. Rolling Stone's contents page is organised well and is clear to understand. It gives you the idea that the magazine represents pop music as it is featuring Beyonce who is a popular music artist. However, it also shows that it represents other styles of music as well, from both the past and present as it has a black and white photo of Chuck Berry. This makes it appeal to a larger audience range as it can appeal to both the younger and older generation.
A- The audience this contents page would appeal to would be of either gender as the colour and pictures in the page could be used for male or female. The age range the magazine would appeal to could be any as it features pictures of music from both past and present so appealing to anyone who is interested in music. Also because it contains other news as well as music news, this also appeals to a wider range of people as it has something in it to interest everyone.
R- The contents page represents modern music and old music which appeals to a wide range of people of all ages. It represents music in a positive way as in the main image they look happy and are dancing and enjoying themselves. This makes it seem fun and seems as though it is not about the usual bad press you hear about the celebrities, but about the quality of music they produce. The colours used for the contents page represent different things that all link together to make the magazine appealing. The purple used makes you think of royalty and links to the type of artists that are featured in the magazine, who are all artists that are or have been very successful. Also, by using black it shows that the magazine is strong, showing its success and power over the other magazines out there. White represents the magazine in a positive way as it is most often linked to pureness, meaning that the magazine is reliable and trustworthy.

Saturday, November 20

Research- Q magazine

The Front Cover

L- The front cover mainly use the colours red, gray, white and black. Grey is used to make the brightness of the red and the colour of the fire stand out. however, it could also symbolise wisdom and respect as it is a well known magazine that is rated well. Red could of been used because it connotates to mean passion, energy and power, which are all aspects that the magazine wants to convey through to the reader. They want to show that they have a passion for music, and that the magazine is full of energy and is powerful. By having the two people in the main image wear black it shows that they are from the rock/ alternative genre of music, as that is the colour that ism associated with it. The masthead is quite large and is place at the top left of the magazine. Black can also show rebellion which links to the image as they are holding a guitar that is on fire.The main picture is a long shot which is based down the centre of the page, as there is another two images either side. The picture is of Kasabian, and one of them is holding a guitar which is on fire, linking it to the main cover line 'Kasabian, They're on fire', but it also links to their song lyrics. The other two pictures are in boxes, with a caption underneath them. It uses a banner headline to boast the fact it is a major magazine. The other cover line is in a red diagonal banner near the bottom to make it stand out, and the other cover lines all link to the main one, and is just a list of bands featured in the magazine. It also has a bar code up the left side of it with the price on, which is £3.99. The writing is all mainly in capitals.
I- Q magazine is produced by the Bauer media group and is published monthly for £3.99.
I- The front cover of the magazine gives you the idea that the type of music it represents is alternative. The band featured on the front is powerful as he is holding a guitar which is on fire. This also links to their song as they had a chart hit with 'I'm on fire', so by showing them with a guitar in fire it lets people know who they are. They are also wearing black. This could show that they are strong and powerful, which is also shown by how they are stood and the fact that they are both looking straight into the camera, so making a connection with the audience. It also does not just focus on music but also sport, comedy, films and politics.
A- I think that the main age range for this magazine will be 16-24 as that is the age range of that genre of music. This is shown through the design of the magazine, as it is done in a modern, stylish way which will attract to younger people. Also, the image of using fire will attract to young people as it symbolises rebellion and excitement. It also looks as though it is more aimed at men then women, because of the colours used and the genre of music it represents.
R- The representation of Kasabian is that they are a stereotypical alternative band because of the clothes they are wearing, and the slightly scruffy look they have. They are also representing alternative music in a good way as tehy are making it look powerful, showing that the genre is becoming more popular. Also, it is representing youth in a way as even though the two men do not look young, they are dressed in what teenagers wear, and they also have long which is fashionable for boys at the moment. As well as that, they are symbolising rebellion and energy which attracts to teenagers. 

Double Page Spread
L- The double page spread is quite unconventional in the way that its main focus is the headline which takes up most of the page and is used as the background. It continues the same use of colours from the front page onto the double page spread and the word 'hot' is done in red which is a connotation because most people associate the colour read with heat and energy. The image of Kasabian is a wide shot and links with the idea of energy and excitement as they are holding instruments that are on fire and one looks as though they have just jumped. This also is linking to the headline of it being 'hot' and the main cover line of them being 'on fire', which is showing continuity throughout the magazine. There is only a short article on the band as they are only part of the full article.
I- The double page spread is produced by the Bauer media groupn which is the same as the front cover.
I- The idea of the double page spread is to make the reader interested, by making the headline take up most of the page and the use of the bright red. By using the red it is symbolising excitement and passion for the music, as well as the obvious idea of it linking to the headline by using the colour of heat.  Also, by using flames it immediately grabs the attention of the reader because it is something that is unusual and shows fun. Another thing that draws the reader in is having the band front man looking straight into the camera making you feel he is looking directly at you, and linking you together.
A- The over all article is to countdown the hottest people in music at the moment, which means it attracts most music lovers. It will definately attract to teenagers as they are the poeple that mainly listen to music and are interested in it, so will want to know who is popular at the moment. It will also attract the same age group as the front cover would as it in the same genre of music and the same colours used.
R- It represents the alternative music genre in a stereotypical way from the colours it uses because by using black and gray which are both dark colours, it shows that is not going to be about pop music which would use bright colours. Also, the bands moody image links to the dark colours used and also to the music genre. Their styling however, shows they are modern and up to date with teenagers and young adults.

The Contents Page
L- It continues using the same four colours; red, black, grey and white. It has a banner headline across the top of the page with the Q logo, Contents, and date written in it. There is a main image which is a long shot photo of a band which is the main focus of the page, with a caption. Another photo is used in the 'Q Review' box at the bottom right of the page. The features in the magazine are listed down the left side and underneath is a list of what is in the magazine every month. The magazine is split into sections and is very well spaced out which makes it look organised. The heading and sub-headings are all written in capitals as well as the articles names.
I- The institution of the contents page is Bauer Media group.
I- The contents page is made to organise the magazines features and contents so that it is made easy for the reader to go straight to the page they want. This contents page does this well as it is very well presented and organised. It is also the first page that is seen after the front cover so it has to keep the interest, it does this by using a big image where all of the band members are looking straight towards the camera and also by using the bright red.
A- The audience this contents page would appeal to would be a young, male audience, as the colours used are quite dull apart from the red. Also, the image used is of a young band, so they will be able to identify or look up to them.
R- Q's content page represents Indie music from the image and the over all look of the page. It also represents a young style and in a positive way as it does not have a picture of teenagers in hoodies drinking, but just as young people being creative through music.

Wednesday, November 17

Research- NME magazine

The Front Cover

L-The front cover on NME uses many of the conventions of a magazine. It has the name of the magazine, the masthead, in big writing at the top of the cover. The main picture is a medium close-up shot of the band, which over-laps the masthead and takes up the full page. The image is set out so that the singer of the band is at the front, showing that she is important and also indicates the main article is about her.The main headline links to the main picture and is also in big writing, but is based in the centre of the page into the lower-half of the cover. It is also written in pink which could be because the band has a female lead and pink is the colour usually linked to women. The other cover lines surround the main one and are written in much smaller writing, showing that they are not as important features. There is a bar code and price of £2.30 on the bottom right of the magazine cover, going up the side. The main colours used in this issue are black, pink, red and white and this continues on through to the main article. Black is used as it it associated with rock music because of what it represents. It is usually seen as the colour linked to moodiness and negativity. This links to rock music as a lot of their songs and image convey this. Also red is used which often symbolises anger and pain. these emotions are reflected in the lyrics of rock/ alternative music.
I-The NME magazine is published by the IPC media and is produced weekly for £2.50.
I- The ideology of the magazine is to publish all the latest in contemporary music, give live reviews and the latest releases. It is also to provide young people with a magazine all about rock music, for those who prefer it to mainstream music. Another impression you get from the magazine is that it wants to go against all the conventions of chart music by using darker colours, giving it a moody look and by featuring bands that produce rock/ alternative music instead of the current more popular music.
A- The audience is mainly male and from the age group 16-24. This can be seen through the lay out of the magazine as it is not overly organised such as a newspaper would be that is aimed at adults. So by setting it up in this way it already implies its target audience. Also because of the colours used, using bright red and pink against black, shows that it is aimed at a younger audience because this would not appeal to someone older. The bands and headlines it features appeal to the 16-24 age group as it is about the music and artists they line in the rock/ alternative genre. The main image on the front cover would appeal to teenagers as they are a young, current band that is doing well at the minute and has been linked to the 'Twilight Saga', which has been a major success especially among this age group.
R- NME magazine is representing Paramore in a conventional way for an alternative rock band with the way that they are all wearing black clothing, and do not look made-up as a pop star would.

Double Page Spread

L-The double page spread is half used for a close-up shot of the lead singer of the band showing that she is the main focus of the band and the article. The other half is used for the article about them. The main of this page is used by the title which takes up more than half and is done in bold, capitals. The colours used for the main headline from the cover are reflected in the article, using pink, black and white. Black is usually seen as a negative colour, but as it is used with the bright pink, they're meanings contradict each other, giving the implication that although they are still an alternative rock band, they are also a little bit more mainstream than most other rock artists. The word that stands out the most in the title is 'smile' which links to the picture as she is smiling. The word is also linked to the image by making her wear the same coloured lipstick as the colour pink which is used for the font, making the smile from the image match to the word 'smile' in the headline.
I- The double page spread is produced by IPC media
I- The ideology of the image is to draw the reader in as she is looking straight into the camera and as the shot is a close-up, the eyes are the main focus. It is also done of the lead singer of the band which is most likely the most recognised member, meaning that the reader will be more interested.The title is done in capitals and the use of bright pink with black again grabs the readers attention.
A- The article is obviously aimed at Paramore fans, but also to anyone who is interested in this genre of music as magazines are a good way of advertising the bands to bring in more fans and support. As she is female, it will appeal to most of the readers as it is a mainly male audience. For females she may be a role model to them for being in one of the only current well known bands that is lead by a female singer. Because she is smiling in the image, it makes her look more friendly, which may appeal to people who don't normally like to listen to this type of music. It is also aimed at the same audience as the front cover.
R- It represents alternative rock music in a unique way as it uses the colour pink which most people would not associate with rock music. She is also smiling which is different from the conventional moody look. However, I think it is representing the music genre in a good way as it creates a more positive image.

Contents Page
L- The colour scheme has continued on through to the contents page using the magazines colours of red, black and white. There is one main font used on the contents page for the main heading, the sub-headings and the articles. It has different sections of the magazine which make it easy to find the articles you want to read and also make the lay out look better as it doesnt look disorganised or cluttered.There is a main headline which is made to stand out by using big writing and capital letters, and also gives a line on what the article will be about. There is only one picture used, apart from the advertising banner at the bottom of the page and this is a long shot of a building which links to the main article. It is also split up into boxes, so the headings in one, the contents in another, the main headline and picture in another one, and the band index is also in one.
I- The magazine is produced by IPC media.
I- The ideology of the contents page is to keep the reader interested as it is the first page seen after the front cover, so by using the bold font and the red against the white and black, it helps do this. Also, having a picture of the main feature and s hort caption, it will make them want to read further on in the magazine to find out more.
A- By the colour scheme used it is mainly aimed at men. Also, the font used is quite blocky which seems more manly. The age the magazine is aimed at is 16-24, however, the contents page is set up almost like a page from a newspaper would look, which would attract an older audience, however, by using the bright red i the contents and yellow on the advertisement, it nakes it more younger looking.
R- Unless you really know music, you would not know why a picture of a building is on the contents page, without having the line saying what it is underneath, so I do not think the picture really represents music. Also, the colour scheme does not indicate what type of music magazine it is as although it uses black, which is associated with rock and heavy metal, it also uses red which is quite a vibrant colour that we might associate more with Indie music.

Tuesday, November 16

The Genre

I have decided to choose indie/pop as the music genre of my magazine. As it is a cross over of two genres it will involve the key features from both.
  • One of the main features is the use of instruments. These are mainly electronic to create the pop sound, but do not include the heavy bass line used in dance music.
  • In indie music, the use of guitars and drums is more prominent then in pop as it is usually band members playing them.
  • Pop music is usually one singer or a group of singers (around five members), that dress in the latest fashions and are made to appeal to the opposite sex. However, they are also usually seen as someone that a member of the same sex an look up to and aspire to be like. Pop songs are often written about heartbreak and love to appeal to a wide range of people who can relate to it, and are combined with catchy background music. The lyrics are sometimes repeated throughout the song and the line often rhyme with each other.
  • Indie music it is more likely to be a band of people that include a singer, drummer, bassist and guitarist. Their image is a quite casual, scruffy look, such as the Kings of Leon. Indie songs are also sometimes about love and heartbreak, but are written about other emotions and the world as well. They often hold a lot more meaning to them as they may relate to a band members personal experience, and the songs are usually written by the band members.

LIIAR Analysis of the Brief

Language- Masthead, main cover line, cover lines, banner headline, logo, strapline, main image (close-up, medium close-up, full shot), bar code, price, issue number, dateline, tag line. My magazine will also have a continuous colour scheme through-out.
Institution- IPC Media produce a wide range of magazines but only one music magazine, which is NME. Although NME magazine is popular, I would not choose these to produce my magazine as it seems they do not mainly concentrate on music magazines. Another major media brand is Conde Nast, but i will also not be using this one. Conde Nast mainly produce fashion magazines, which although fashion does play a part in the music industry, it is not relevant for my music magazine. I have decided to choose Bauer Media to produce my music magazine. Bauer Media produce well known music magazines such as Kerrang! and Q magazine, which are both very successful. However, they also produce radio and TV channels such as Smash Hits and 4music, which shows they cover a wide range of music genres and have a major part in the music industry.
Ideology- The ideology behind my magazine is that you do not just have to listen to one music genre and be stereotyped by what you listen to. Also, that not every band or musician fits into just one category, they can be from a range of categories
Audience- My magazine will be aimed at young people, such as teenagers or early twenties, and be for both genders
Representation- My magazine will represent the two genres of music I have chosen, both Pop and Indie. By using a cross over of genres it is breaking some stereotypical conventions of a music magazine. I want my magazine to come across in a positive way.

Thursday, November 11

New Music Magazine

Main task: the front page,contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.
  • original music magazine
  • front cover
  • contents page
  • double page spread
  • at least four original images, no copyrighted images

Friday, October 22


My college magazine uses many of the conventions used on a real magazine. It has a masthead which is 'Inspire', that every magazine has so that you know what it is called, and I have positioned it at the top of my magazine so that it is one of the first things you see and you know it is important. My magazines sell line is 'Your revision guide to life' which is short and tells you who the magazine is aimed at. I used a sell line as many magazines use these to make you want to buy it. It has a main image that covers most of my front cover which is another convention used, and my model is making full eye contact which is important. I have a main cover line that links to the main image and is written in large text and in a box so that you know it is the main one. I have also used other cover lines to draw in the attention of the audience, but are written in smaller text so as not to distract too much from the cover line. I have also used the college's name and logo which shows the institution of the magazine.
   The group of people my magazine represents is students. It does this through the sell line, 'Your revision guide of life', which implies it's for students at you use a revision guide to study. Also through the cover lines, which are various things that are happening around the college such as the Halloween party that Wyke has organised and also the fact that it is advertising NUS cards, which are for students. The main image represents students as it is of a girl aged seventeen dressed in casual clothes that could relate to anyone of that age group.
   The audience for my college magazine is students of Wyke college aged sixteen to nineteen. This is shown through the logo of Wyke college which is recognised by people. Also through the model who is within the targeted age range of my magazine. The cover lines attract the audience as they are related to the college, for example the Wyke Halloween party. The main cover line especially attracts dance students as it about the success of one. My sell line also suggests the targeted audience as it mentions revision guides which are associated with studying.
   By making my magazine i learnt more about the technologies that I used. I used Adobe Photoshop which I had rarely used before and so was still unsure how to work it. However, through producing this magazine I have learned how to use it better. I used it to edit my main image as I cut out the model from the background using the selection tool and the eraser. I also used it to add text to my front cover. Another programme that I used was publisher, which I used to produce the mock-up of the contents page. I had used this many times before and so had no difficulties.
   In conclusion, I am happy with the end product of my magazine but I feel it could be improved. My front cover is quite plain and bland and so if I was to do this again I would probably make it more colourful. Also I did not put on some of the conventions such as an issue number or date line.

Final Contents Page

Final Front Cover

Sunday, October 17

Final photo

I have decided to use this image for my college magazine as I think that it will work well. I will be able to put the image to one side so that I can fit my cover lines on and also the model is looking straight into the camera which is one of the conventions normally used. The photograph fits into the brief as it is took in medium close-up. It also fits in with the representation of the magazine (which is of a model students), the ideology of the magazine (to be about a subject or the college in general) and also the audience of the magazine (it is aimed at college students of the ages 16-19)
      I will use this image with a cover line about dance. Some ideas of cover lines for dance are:
  • Student dances her way to the top
  • Star student steps it up
  • A twist in the right direction

Thursday, October 14

Photos - 2nd attempt

I had to redo my photos as i realised that my first ones were wrong, as they were not medium close-up. I had more of an idea of what I wanted this time as I knew what had worked from the last time and also I tried out some knew ideas which would work well for the coverlines and stories.

Wednesday, October 13

Rough plan of contents page

This is a plan of what will be on my contents page and how I might set it up.

Rough plan of front cover

This is a quick plan to show how I might lay out my front cover and what I will need on my front cover.